

说明:本1000道基础知识题,都是没有图的题目,没有实验题,没有拖图题! 1个小时应该可以把全部的题目做完!!全部是CCNA里面的基础知识题,大家都应该可以看得懂!!基础不扎实的一定要看咯!基础扎实的就当做复习吧后面5道题如下:996 Which of the following are Transport layer protocols?A.) UDPB.) TCPC.) NBPD.) IPE.) SPXAns A B E997. When determining whether or not to route a LAN segment, which rule ofthumb do you use?A.) 60/40B.) 50/50C.) 80/20D.) 90/10E.) 70/30Ans E998 Which of the following are examples of the Session Layer?A.) TCPB.) RPCC.) SQLD.) NFSE.) Token RingAns B C D999. Which layer of the 7 layer model provides services to the Applicationlayer over the Session layer connection?A.) TransportB.) ApplicationC.) SessionD.) NetworkE.) DatalinkF.) PresentationAns F1000 What type of switching creates variable latency through the switch? A.) Cut-ThroughB.) InvertedC.) Layer 4D.) MultiplexedE.) Store and Forward
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